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ActualitéWilliam Amor présente une pièce d’exception pour Homo Faber 2024 à Venise.

William Amor présente une pièce d’exception pour Homo Faber 2024 à Venise.

First look: Homo Faber’s 3rd edition ‘The Journey of Life’ opens in Venice

We review the groundbreaking new exhibition, art directed by Luca Guadagnino and Nicolò Rosmarini, of more than 800 crafted objects from around the world at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Wallpaper | 05/09/2024
Hugo Macdonald


‘Theater of Metamorphosis – Bouquet of Roses’ by William Amor and Artisan Alexandre Vazque in the Love (courtship) room. | (Image credit: Courtesy of Michelangelo Foundation)

« The values inherent in the practice of craft feel evermore relevant – responsibility, circularity, connection, repair, resilience, localism. Is a global, glittering showcase of this scale the most effective way of celebrating the endurance of human knowledge transmission, which is ultimately craft’s most compelling quality? There is no denying this is a seductive and moving exhibition, but fewer works with greater connection to the embodied intelligence and cultural context within them would make a more powerful case for the value and necessity of craft in modern life. As our world remakes itself in front of our eyes, we need to interrogate why things matter, not just marvel at what they are. Craft at scale, even in Venice, is a hard nut to crack. »

Luca Guadagnino

Flowers and jewelry for the room of Love, understood as Courtship, filled with vitrines creating a full-fledged forest

AD | 05/09/2024
Luca Guadagnino

« It’s a matter of balance and weight. Designing a temporary installation means, on the one hand, taking responsibility for the permanent design of a temporary event, and on the other hand, skillfully maneuvering between three variables: the hosting venue, with its character and configuration; the items to be exhibited, with their own visual and spatial qualities; and the system used to showcase the works, with its own expressive and design scope. Every time, there’s a precise and personal alchemy of possible accentuations to present that complement the context, respect the works, and express a concept. In this sense, the room for Love, understood as Courtship, appears most successful, housing — with the same exhibition mechanism, regardless of the value of the objects — flowers and jewelry made from various materials. The design exercise focuses on the creation of a forest inhabited by different vitrines recalling solutions from the 1950s and 1960s — though not as light and innovative — designed by Luciano Baldesseri, Carlo Scarpa and BBPR.AD »

True Craftsmanship Takes Center Stage at Venice’s Homo Faber—But Is It Being Watered Down by Luxury Brands ?

Luca Guadagnino’s striking scenography does little to distract from the question.
Artnet | 09/2024
Caroline Roux


This year, the Foundation’s vice-chair, Hanneli Rupert, has stepped in. She is the daughter of Johann Rupert, the South African billionaire who is the founder of the Richemont group, which owns 28 luxury houses from Cartier to Panerai. Richemont is also the supporter of the foundation. Rupert introduced a narrative theme—”The Journey of Life”—with ten exhibition spaces taking visitors from “Birth” to “the Afterlife” (“Death” was presumably considered a bit too brutal), and objects have been corralled into each.

The first part of a section called “Love,” for example, is a room dedicated to courtship, where 20 individual vitrines display bouquets of flowers made from materials ranging from the finest unglazed porcelain (Anna Volkova) to waste plastic from a Lancôme factory (William Amor). It’s a masterclass in creativity and virtuosity. « 


Homo Faber, la vie racontée par l’artisanat A Venise, dix expositions thématiques créées par Luca Guadagnino et Nicolò Rosmarini sur le rôle des métiers artistiques dans nos vies

Alessandro Mussolini

« Le thème choisi par Hanneli Rupert est Le Voyage de la Vie , il est interprété avec des sélections thématiques choisies à partir de moments centraux de la vie, comme la naissance , le point de départ de la visite, la célébration , le rêve et le voyage .  

La durée de la visite peut durer seulement une heure, mais elle pourrait s’étendre indéfiniment car derrière chaque objet il y a une histoire à raconter, une étude approfondie accessible grâce aux ambassadeurs de chaque salle capables de révéler les processus et les processus. derrière chaque création. Mais aussi grâce aux démonstrations live disponibles tout au long de l’exposition.

Alberto Cavalli , directeur exécutif de la Fondation Michelangelo, explique ce choix : « Luca Guadagnino et Nicolò Rosmarini ont développé une véritable attention artisanale aux espaces, aux détails et à l’atmosphère, en insérant les objets dans un récit évocateur , autoritaire et vraiment unique. Les 800 œuvres exposées, provenant d’environ 70 pays à travers le monde , ont été créées par des artisans qui, par leur talent, révèlent une diversité précieuse et inattendue. « 

Homo Faber 2024, the exhibition on high craftsmanship not to be missed in Venice

From 1 to 30 September, the Cini Foundation on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore hosts the exhibition dedicated to contemporary high craftsmanship under the artistic direction of Luca Guadagnino.
L’OFFICIEL IBIZA | 02/09/2024
Cristina Manfredi


For the first time the artifacts come from all over the world – the two previous editions had investigated specific geographical areas – for the first time a common thread has been chosen and for the first time two artistic directors have been called to orchestrate everything. The Journey of Life , the journey of life, is the poetic theme that the vice president of the Michelangelo Foundation, Hanneli Rupert, launched to the team of selectors. And which has become the title of the event that can be visited by booking your 16 euro ticket (note that the availability of access on site is limited, it is better to move in advance). After which the director Luca Guadagnino and the architect Nicolò Rosmarini have designed the path, creating ten areas, ten key moments in the life of each of us, from birth, to childhood, to celebrations, to the legacies of family trades, to love, to travel, to nature, to dreams, to dialogues between different worlds, up to the encounter with death and the afterlife. All of this is scattered with over 800 objects made by more than 400 artisans from 70 countries around the world and immersed in the extraordinary setting of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, some of whose spaces have been used for the first time, such as the room where large black and white photographs bear witness to the stages of the restoration. « 


First look: Homo Faber’s 3rd edition ‘The Journey of Life’ opens in Venice

INKL | 02/09/2024
Hugo Macdonald

 » Flying over Venice, coming into land at Marco Polo airport, you can’t help but be struck by how small this precious and precarious archipelago is. For a city that maybe looms larger than any other in the global imagination, it really is tiny. Scale is a running theme in Venice. From the grandiloquence of its historic trading status, and the wealth and beauty that it birthed, to the looming cruise ships, disgorging their hordes to fill the tiny streets, backing-up for photos like confused ants.

Biennales and festivals butt into each other, as do the boats of their starrier guests. Any trip to Venice comes with rumours of which celebrity, oligarch, prince or political leader also happens to be in town. Such is the scale of Venice that it’s not impossible you might rub shoulders with Oprah or someone will show you their film of her climbing into a water taxi like anybody else. For all of its magic, a city built on water has a certain levelling quality when it comes to logistics, too. On boats, everyone bangs their heads; in summer, everyone sweats. « 

La troisième édition d’Homo Faber, l’événement qui célèbre le haut savoir-faire, inaugurée à Venise. Avec la direction artistique tant attendue du réalisateur Luca Guadagnino



La troisième édition d’Homo Faber a été inaugurée à Venise, l’ exposition consacrée au haut artisanat – national et international – qui se déroule  jusqu’au 30 septembre dans le complexe monumental de la Fondation Giorgio Cini, sur l’île de San Giorgio Maggiore

Un événement qui célèbre l’art et le savoir-faire et qui se déroule cette année sous la direction artistique du réalisateur Luca Guadagnino et de l’architecte Nicolò Rosmarini. Explorant et développant le thème de l’année – Le parcours de la vie – leur mise en scène plonge les visiteurs dans un récit riche qui se déroule au milieu de décors exceptionnels, de créations artisanales sur mesure. des ateliers et des démonstrations artisanales en direct qui font d’Homo Faber 2024 un véritable voyage sensoriel.. «  

Homo Faber 2024

Archipanic | 09/2024

 » Design–Luca Guadagnino has a special bond with Venice. This month, the Italian city hosts two major events of his career as an acclaimed filmmaker and interior designer. He presented his new movie Queer at the Venice Film Festival and inaugurated Homo Faber 2024, the third edition of a biennial showcase celebrating craftsmanship, now open to the public until the end of the month.

The Journey of Life is an amazing and very streamlined and universal concept.” Explained Luca Guadagnino. “It led us to understand how to envelop the audience through the amazing architecture of the Fondazione Cini so that the craft on display would not be overwhelmed, but, at the same time, the place itself was given a lot of relevance. « 

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    William Amor, trouve l’origine de sa démarche artistique dans une volonté de mettre l’art au service de la poésie, du vivant et de l’écologie. Avec ses œuvres singulières, sensibles et porteuses de sens, l’artiste propose un autre regard sur tout ce qui nous entoure et ce dont nous avons oublié ou dénigré la présence, l’existence et l’origine.